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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Blackberrys, Motorola phones high on radiation emission

Blackberry and Motorola mobile phones emit higher levels of radiations compared to other handsets, a new study has revealed.

The online report by The Environmental Working Group has ranked 1,200 mobile phones on the basis of their radiation emissions, measured as specific absorbtion rate (SAR), in a bid to draw attention to the risks of using cell phones.

Motorola’s Moto VU204 has aced the list of high radiation emitting phones, while Motorola phones featured in the top bracket.

Blackberrys and Apple iPhone 3G S were placed at the top of the smartphone category.
The Samsung Impression and the Motorola RAZR V8 were found to be the safest phones.
According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the EWG has called upon the mobile phone manufacturers to provide information on the SAR levels of phones to potential customers ” . . .because cell phones have become a virtual necessity, we’re convinced that it’s smart to buy devices with lower emissions, until the public health research catches up with these amazing products.”

The EWG has linked brain tumours and other health disorders to the constant use of mobile phones, however, handset manufactures like Motorola have rubbished all links between heath risks and the use of cell phones.
The company has said: “All Motorola mobile phones comply with national and international safety guidelines for radio-frequency energy exposure. These standards provide wide margins of protection for users and the general public.

“Although SAR values for products vary, all SAR values for Motorola products are within safe exposure limits, and all products are considered equally safe.”

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1.The average US household uses 10.6 megawatt-hours (MWh) electricity per year.
2.The first public cell phone call was made on April 3, 1973 by Martin Cooper.
3.About 20% of the videos on YouTube is music related.
4.Bill Gates' house was designed using a Macintosh computer.
5.The first computer mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart in around 1964 and was made of wood.
6.The first known cell phone virus, Cabir.A, appeared in 2004.